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What is Care Farming?

Care Farms are places where community members can participate in farming activities to promote healing, mental health, and social care, and is a very common model throughout Norway, the UK, Netherlands, and elsewhere throughout Europe, and is increasingly gaining traction here in the United States. Care Farms bring to life what research and lived experience repeatedly remind us: that connecting and spending time in nature, with animals and plants, and in part of an accepting community is incredibly healing and empowering. Care farms provide opportunities for community connections, skill-development, and when applicable, meaningful employment. Additionally, these programs provide a sense of purpose and structure, those involved are given choices and develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for the tasks they do. The care farming model has been one of our earliest influences for how our farm can connect with and support our community, and was the primary inspiration for Olivia returning to Ohio State to complete her Master of Social Work and spending several years working as a mental health therapist gaining direct experience in community-based therapeutic care, as well as therapeutic program design and evaluation. As described above, farms can serve as ideal environments and partners in supportive programs to underserved community members.

Our Care Farming Partnerships 

Since 2017, we have partnered with local community programs to host over 30 local youth on the farm for job and life skills training, with most programs spanning a month to three months over summer break from school. Past and current partnerships include Hocking, Athens, and Perry Community Action Program (HAPCAP) Summer Youth Employment Program, and Goodwill Industries. In their time here, youth learn approaches to natural farming, gain experience in seed starting, tree planting, gardening, animal care, natural building, herbal medicine making, trail building, and eco-tourism. In addition to providing the essentials of a supportive care-farming environment, we are intentional about designing a care farming experience that encourages teamwork, promotes self-esteem, is adaptive to their own learning styles and areas of interest, and helps participants gain confidence applying valuable life skills. We regularly share seeds, plant starts, produce harvests and value-added products with the youth to take home and share with their families. We build community engagement opportunities throughout the program so that the youth can understand and collaborate on our mission, and see how their efforts contribute to and improve our local community. ​

Are you a local organization or therapeutic practitioner interested in collaborating with our Care Farm for your program and clients?

From helping to design and deliver programming, to simply using the farm as a peaceful and nature-based setting for your sessions, we look forward to building more community partnerships and together continuing our mission and services as a Care Farm.

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